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Showing posts from September, 2011

The Best Free FTP Client for Windows

 What’s FTP? FTP is as quoted from Wikipedia is an Internet protocol that runs on application layer which is standard for transferring files (files) computer between the machines in an internet work. FTP is one of the earliest network protocol was developed, and is still used today to perform the download (downloads) and (uploads) files between your computer and FTP server FTP client .

How To Change Hardisk Partition Size in Windows 7

Different from the previous version, Windows 7 and Windows Vista is already available built-in applications that can be used for partitioning hard drives . Just as the tools created by third parties (Third party software ) such as Partition Magic, Easeus Partition Manager or other applications, these tools can also be used to change the capacity of the hard disk drive in Microsoft’s operating system .

Free Online Photo Editor for You

These tips are a continuation of the discussion of photo editors in this blog, if sometimes we play in the cafe and want to edit photos but the cafe that we choose does not have image editing application, or better known as Photoshop. There is a quick way to change/edit photos with the help of Online Photo Editor .

Notebook Drivers Link List For Acer, Asus, Compaq, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba

“Where I can get drivers notebook ?” Consumer notebooks often faced the same problems that the manufacturers do not give the drivers on every product they sold . If anything, it is usually incomplete and that too at the initiative of the notebook seller in stores that have downloaded manually and give it to you.

Battery Saving Tips for Notebook or Netbook

If you often go to cafes, malls, airports or anywhere else, and always carry a notebook /netbook, you may often had an experience problems due to power your notebook’s battery does not last long when ignited. To fix this, try using the following tips to save the battery in your notebook or netbook you have.

CamStudio, Free Software for Capture Video Screen Shot

Have you ever wanted to do video capture of screen shots on a computer screen? Have you ever seen a video tutorial that there are screen shots of computer screen tutorials? If you ever find something like that, maybe you will want to make the same thing to be enjoyed by others. There are many software that can be used to capture video from a high quality till the medium quality, from free till paid, from the particular to the video capture screen shots is until a small part of the video editing software . They all have advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the software which is specifically designed to capture a screen shot of the video is Cam Studio. This software is open source and can be obtained for free. Quality of the video from Cam Studio also quite good, not inferior to paid software. Some things you should know about Cam Studio namely: The result of video capture has AVI and SWF format that can be selected prior capture screen shot is executed. The siz...

7 Sticky Notes, You’ll Never Forget Again for Your Schedules!

For those of you who work office, it may already be familiar with the name Post-It. This simple note is very useful because it can be affixed anywhere ( documents , monitors, laptops, etc.), so you can always remember the important things you wrote on the note. For those of you who like a Post-It and many everyday working at a computer/ laptop , there is good news. There is now a digital version of Post-It, namely 7 Sticky Notes . With this application, you can put information or note important without fear of forgetting. Why? Because you put it in place you are see, Windows Desktop !

Photoscape, The Best Free Editing Software for Everyone

When talking about photo editing, maybe most of the people would imagine Photoshop. Application made by Adobe is indeed become a very popular tool among photographers or designers because it offers a wide range of features. However, many software also have an impact feature: price is very expensive and a heavy application at run time because it takes a lot of resources (memory and processor). In addition, there are various features are often wasted, because there is not much use.

Free Software for Recovery Files

Perhaps you have experienced, your important data is lost from the computer. Because you were accidentally delete it, were deliberately removed by someone who is not responsible or perhaps because of your hard drive formatted by accident. To restore the data, you can ask to people who are experts in the field of computer to restore files that were deleted. Or, if you want to do it yourself, you can use recovery software available on the internet and install it on your desktop PC or notebook .

Share Files and Folder Between Windows 7 and Windows XP

As we know, Windows 7 has better security features than previous generations of Windows. Hence also, the way the system handles files and folders is also slightly different. Moreover, if related to the network, many differences and changes in structure and level of user security on network folders . For those people who often share the file using Windows XP , may be they will had a little difficulty feeling when trying to share folders on a computer using the operating system Windows 7 . Here we say how to do it. (While doing the experiment, we used Windows XP Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate Edition). Setting sharing files in Windows 7 ultimate edition Make sure the PC Windows 7 and XP have the same group. (Basically, it is not the absolute price, but it would be easier if you make the same group to connect the two computers). Open the Control Panel, select Network and Internet and continue with your click Network Sharing Center. Click on Change Advanced Sharing Set...

Easy Ways to Change Wallpaper Windows 7 Starter with Starter Background Changer

In the previous article, we’ve explained how to change wallpaper windows 7 starter using software Oceanis Change the Background , and at this time we will be sharing how to do it any other way but with different programs. The program is called Starter background Changer made by a French nationality programmer named Renaud Gerson. Steps to change the wallpaper of Windows 7 Starter background Changer is: Download application to your computer from here . Install on Windows 7 Starter of your device or your notebook computer. Use user-level administrator to have the file can be installed properly. After the install is complete, restart your computer device. There are several options that you can exploit to change the wallpaper windows with this software. First, you try to right click on the screen, continue to choose Personalize (This option does not already exist in Windows 7 Starter). Choose wallpaper that you...

How to Extend Laptop Battery Life (Lithium-ion)

In the previous article about “Consider Replacing your battery in NoteBooks “, I’ve shared about my experiences in dealing with the problem. Because of that incident, I was so diligent in seeking information about the battery in the hope of finding tips so that my battery is already showing signs of “aging” that can be durable and long lasting. Well, in this article I want to share about notebook battery tips to be durable and long lasting. First, please note that the battery can be in-charge (rechargeable battery) that there are several types. Frequently used for general electronic goods are usually Nickel based (NiCd) and Lithium-based (Lithium-ion). For laptops, at this time almost certainly all use a Lithium-ion type. Besides being able to save more power, Lithium-ion batteries are also more environmentally friendly than NiCd batteries are highly toxic. Knowing the different types of batteries is very important because the two are very different characteristics. In...

The Best Web Camera (WebCam) Software for Windows

For those people who are accustomed to using a web camera , you must get used to using the included web camera software on the device you buy. But if you are still not satisfied with the default camera software when purchasing software, you can use several software below. You can use software for chatting with the people around the world. Some software that we mentioned in the form of trial, some are shareware and the rest is free software that you can use for free. Here, we will convey our best webcam application (based on experience and references from many websites).

Easy Way To Read Microsoft Office 2007 Files in MS-Office 2003 Software

Although there are many applications of data processing are popping up, Microsoft Office is the most widely used application for that purpose. There are many versions have been released by Microsoft to the public, ranging from the old version and the latest versions such as Microsoft Office 2010 . Each version is released is always created and generate a different file. These differences include changes to the file extension, core files and some others. This change also seems a bit confused because sometimes files created in this version can not necessarily be read in the other versions. For example, we will not be able to read the default file created in Office 2007 and 2010 in the MS Office 2003 or Office XP. You must restore the file first to be compatible with Office 2003 and Office XP. The problem is for those people who do not have Office 2007 or 2010 will not be able to do that because Office 2003 does not necessarily able to read the file. Apparently Microsoft ...

Transform Windows 7 to Windows 8 with Windows 8 UX Pack

Microsoft upcoming Windows 8 is creating a lot of buzz with it’s metro user interface and many users want to get a first glimpse of it in their PC. If you don’t want to download and install Windows 8 buggy builds, then install this Windows 8 Transformation pack for Windows 7.