Different from the previous version, Windows 7 and Windows Vista is already available built-in applications that can be used for partitioning hard drives. Just as the tools created by third parties (Third party software) such as Partition Magic, Easeus Partition Manager or other applications, these tools can also be used to change the capacity of the hard disk drive in Microsoft’s operating system.

We assume that if you want to change the capacity of the F drive, then follow the steps below to do so.
We assume that if you want to change the capacity of the F drive, then follow the steps below to do so.
- First open the Control Panel.
- Next type “partition” (without quotation marks) on the search form at the top right corner and proceed by clicking the link “Create and format had disk partitions”.
- In the Disk Management window select the partition to be changed partition.
- Right-click the volume of the partition and select Shrink Volume.
- In the dialog window of the volume of the partition, specify the capacity of a drive. If you want to enlarge the capacity of F drive, make sure there is an empty partition which is located next to the drive F. If not available, zoom out another partition so that it can be used by the drive F.
- You can also create a new drive on your hard disk by a note there is an empty space that can be used. If not available, can be tricked by minimize the other drives that can be used to the new drive.
- If you are unsure of the capacity of the partition that you created, click the Shrink button to end.