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Share Files and Folder Between Windows 7 and Windows XP

As we know, Windows 7 has better security features than previous generations of Windows. Hence also, the way the system handles files and folders is also slightly different. Moreover, if related to the network, many differences and changes in structure and level of user security on network folders.
Share Files and Folder Between Windows 7 and Windows XP Images
For those people who often share the file using Windows XP, may be they will had a little difficulty feeling when trying to share folders on a computer using the operating system Windows 7. Here we say how to do it. (While doing the experiment, we used Windows XP Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate Edition).
Setting sharing files in Windows 7 ultimate edition
  • Make sure the PC Windows 7 and XP have the same group. (Basically, it is not the absolute price, but it would be easier if you make the same group to connect the two computers).
  • Open the Control Panel, select Network and Internet and continue with your click Network Sharing Center.
  • Click on Change Advanced Sharing Settings, and change all the settings to allow other computers can access the computer it windows 7. If necessary, do not use password protection sharing options for people who access your computer no longer need to access using a password and authentication (For the safety of your data, do not ever use this option on a public network such as hotspots in cafes, mall or other public areas).
  • After that, click Save Changes.
  • Continue to create folders to be shared with other computers.
  • Open windows explorer and create a new folder. Right-click the folder and select Properties.
  • Click the Sharing tab followed by clicking the Share button.
  • On the drop down menu, add the users who are allowed to access the folder (In this example we use Everyone, which essentially everyone can access without going through password).
  • Add the permissions on the user Everyone, is only be read only or can also add files (write).
  • Finally, click share and followed by clicking the Done button.
Setting sharing files in windows XP professional
  • Open windows explorer and create a new folder that will be used for sharing files.
  • Right-click the folder and select Properties.
  • Click the Sharing tab and put a check on the Share this folder on the network.
  • If you allow someone else to write or delete files in the folder, mark it on the Allow network users to change my files.
  • Last time, click the OK button.
Proof of sharing folders setting
Try to access the windows folder 7 through Windows XP. The trick, open the Control Panel, Network Connections, My Network Places. Find and double-click the computer name of Windows 7. Click the folder sharing and you try to grab data from there. If you allow read-write access, you try to do the writing. Can be a way to make a new folder or try to copy a file from your XP computer to a folder.
Now back to the computer that had windows OS 7. Open Windows Explorer, click Network on the left bottom, then select the computer that installed windows 7. There you will see a folder that has been shared. Try to access and grab a few files on the folder. If you had to give read-write access to the Allow network users to change my files, then you can copy, add or delete files on the share folder.
It’s finished tips this time. You can connect a computer with windows 7 windows XP without having to ask a network administrator.


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